SEN support needs to play a bigger role in mainstream schools. The latest findings from the Department for Education’s study on SEN support shows that there are many ways in which mainstream schools can improve their ability to support SEN students. The insights obtained from this data show what mainstream schools should do to better facilitate SEN learners and their development.
All mainstream teachers should be
able to identify SEN traits in their students and understand the necessary
processes to follow in reporting these traits and facilitating these students.
Overall, findings show that schools generally have a well-established approach
to identifying SEN traits among their students. Teachers reported that their
schools had the necessary resources throughout the process. The most useful
resources include SENCO assessments, test and exam results and input from
teachers and parents. These results show that many schools have the right tools
and processes in place for the identification of SEN, but these skills must
become a fundamental part of becoming a teacher and should be instilled in
early career teachers right from the start of their career.
The reason identification is so important is because the earlier these needs are identified, the sooner students can receive the proper assistance they require. This in turn reduces student frustration and facilitates the development of better learning habits.
Meeting The Needs of SEN Pupils
Identification is only the first
part of the process and while it is a valuable skill for all teachers to have,
being able to meet the needs of SEN students may require specific training and
the right teaching methods. Dedicated SEN teachers and SEN training courses are
the most reliable options available to help meet SEN student needs. The way to
meet SEN students' needs is to review and evaluate their progress. By doing so
teachers are able to provide SEN students with the right level of assistance,
allowing them to keep up with the class or learn in a manner that is best
suited to them. Making sure SEN students feel comfortable on a physical,
emotional, and social level is a crucial part of ensuring their development and
is the most important part of meeting their needs.
Facilitating and supporting SEN students allows schools to deliver a comprehensive learning experience to students with all kinds of learning abilities. This will allow SEN students to reach their full potential without the need to potentially move away to attend SEN specific schools.
Other Improvements
The Department of Education
provided its own improvement suggestions for schools. They suggest regular
training and feedback with staff is necessary for keeping them informed and up
to date on the school’s SEN identification processes. There are two groups that
are a priority in receiving these feedback and training sessions. The first is
hiring new staff. It is important that staff know what to do and what to look
out for right from the beginning of their time at their schools and with their
students. The second is the learning support assistants. They will be able to
help teachers by giving more attention to SEN students, while the teacher
focuses on the rest of the class when necessary.
The Department of Education also
says that schools need to ensure that their approach to assessing SEN students
is based on standardised national tests. A focus must also be put on the way in
which SEN students are transferred to new educational settings. Detailed,
high-quality data needs to be given to these new facilities in a timely manner.
Finally, the Department of Education says that a school’s SEN system must be
reviewed regularly to make sure they are up to standard and that SEN students
are receiving the best education they can.
Prioritising the needs of SEN students is something that more schools need to focus on. The right staff are a crucial part of ensuring this is done properly. At Simply Education we are able to provide SEN teaching staff, but we also provide SEN specific CPD courses that help teachers learn the best ways to teach and support SEN students. To find teachers with us or to find work register with us today at